GLORIFY and enjoy the living God by striving for worship that is pleasing to Him
NURTURE believers of all ages to become mature disciples of Jesus Christ: rooted in the doctrines of Scriptures, zealous in prayer, holy in character and committed to one another
PROCLAIM good news of faith in Christ by words of witness and deeds of mercy, in Lancaster County and to all nations of the earth.
the Global unreached and the local unchurched.
with intentional hospitality to all newcomers.
with comprehensive care through shared ministry ownership.
Visit Westminster
Stewardship Opportunities
Live Stream & Worship Guide
Available during 9:30 am
Sunday School. Multiple electives are offered each quarter.
From September to May enjoy a family meal, choir practice, kids clubs, Youth Group, and bible studies.
Enjoy live services, events, media, giving, an online directory, and so much more!