Children's Ministry

Our Children's Ministry exists in partnership with parents to develop disciples of Jesus Christ by proclaiming God's glory to the next generation.

But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”

Luke 18:16


Children’s Ministry needs volunteers! Fill out the form below to be contacted about serving. 


Sunday School provides instruction in the basics of the faith from caring and involved teachers. Using Great Commission Publications curriculum, children ages 2 through grade 6 are taught God’s story of redemption from Genesis through Revelation. Meets 9:30–10:30 am, Sunday mornings.

Children’s Clubs provide an active environment for nurturing Christian relationships, instructing in biblical teachings, welcoming friends, and serving others. (Children must be pre-registered to participate.) Meets 6:30 pm Wednesday evenings, September through May. 

Westminster’s Missions & Me project began in 1999 with the purpose to teach children to understand how God works through the church in the world, to connect them to the missionaries we support, and to encourage them to be missionaries right where they live.

The Missions & Me companion book is designed for family participation and includes weekly prayer requests for WPC missionaries, activities, and recipes.  

Missions & Me runs yearly from mid-January to early March.

Vacation Bible School extends the love of Christ to children in our local community and within our church community by proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ in a fun-filled, exciting four-day program each summer. 

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Welcome to Westminster’s Nursery Ministry! Our mission is to provide loving care for our visitors and our covenant children in an environment that promotes spiritual development, as well as, emotional and physical well-being. It is our privilege to serve your family by caring for your children.


Sue Moses - Interim Children's Ministry Director

Sue and her husband, Mark, have been Westminster members since 2018. They have four children. Sue previously worked at Veritas Academy as an assistant in Kindergarten and First Grade.

Sue performs many clerical duties which include keeping attendance, promoting, ordering Sunday School curriculum, making sure the teachers & club leaders have what they need, and substituting when needed. She also helps with VBS and Missions & Me.

Send Sue an email at [email protected]

Tia spykstra - Event assistant

Tia Spykstra attended Westminster starting in high school and served in the youth group until moving to Michigan in 2015. Recently returned to Lancaster, Zach and Tia have two-year-old twin boys that keep their hands (and hearts) full. She has served in various youth ministries in her free time throughout her life and is now excited to use the technical and organizational skills that she has honed in her career to serve Westminster’s families for God’s glory.

Send Tia an email at [email protected]

Todd Wlliams - Children's Ministry Refugee coordinator

Todd and his wife, Amy, have been members of Westminster since 1996 and have been blessed with 5 lovely daughters, the youngest of which are twins. He enjoys worshiping with many from his immediate family and his extended family who also attend. Todd has enjoyed teaching the Communicants class and working as a youth volunteer over the past many years. Todd has a heart to serve others and looks forward to working more closely with our refugee brothers and sisters as we navigate the challenges of differing languages and cultures to build a church reflective of that in Revelations 7:9–10: “And after this I looked, and behold a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, ‘Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb’.”

Send Todd an email at [email protected]


The Explorers class teaches the truths of Scripture on an individualized basis to children with exceptionalities with the goal of the exposing the children to the concepts of reformed doctrine using adapted resources. Explorers also provides a modified VBS and quarterly respite events to walk alongside the families to nurture their child’s spiritual health. Please contact our church office or children’s ministry office if you are interested in your child attending our Explorer’s class.