Men’s Fall Retreat 2024

Where: Black Rock Retreat Center (1345 Kirkwood Pike, Quarryville, PA 17566)

When: Friday, 4 pm, September 27 through Sunday, 12:30 pm, September 29

One Day Cost: $50

Full Weekend Cost: $90 Early Bird, $115.00 after September 15

We want to encourage all men to join us for our Fall Men’s Retreat. Be encouraged and challenged through fellowship and the Word with speaker, Rev. Steve Light. Cost for the weekend Friday evening through Sunday morning with room and all meals is $115.00. Sons age 12 and up are invited to attend.

For those of you who cannot come for the full weekend, we are offering a Saturday only registration which includes meals and use of the retreat activities. For those coming for the day on Saturday which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner the cost is $50. On Saturday, breakfast starts at 8:30 am; the first session starts at 9:30 am; the final session ends at 8:00 pm. There are options for activities Saturday afternoon.