December 2024–February 2025
Winter Quarter Begins on December 1.
1. Pioneering Missionary Biographies (Room LL11-13)
Adoniram and Ann Judson set sail for Burma in 1812. Their pioneering work impacted an unreached nation with the gospel and inspired many others to leave western comforts to serve people in spiritually dark lands. This class will explore the lives and lessons of the Judsons and, as time permits, consider the stories of John Paton (missionary to the New Hebrides) and Hudson Taylor (founder of China Inland Mission).
Teacher: Dr. Tucker York
Optional Book: To the Golden Shore: The Life of Adoniram Judson by Courtney Anderson
2. Creeds and Councils (Room LL9)
A study of the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds. What are their Scriptural underpinnings? How and why did the early Church use the Creeds? How can we be informed and guided by the Creeds today? As we discuss these questions, we will also survey the earliest Church councils and how they dealt with key controversies and heresies, some of which map to present-day errors and misshapen beliefs.
Teacher: Mr. Frank Ammerman
3. Sexual Culture: Realities and Biblical Responses (Room LL1)
“Does God’s Design for Sexuality Make Sense?” “Can You Change if You’re Gay?” “What’s Wrong with a Little Porn?” “A Biblical View of Gender and Transgender.” These and other topics will be examined using the Harvest USA video curriculum, “God’s Design for Sexuality in a Changing Culture.” Class sessions will include video segments, discussion, and Q&A.
Teachers: Dr. Joan McConnell and Dr. Barry Cureton
4. Romans Part IV (Room LL4)
God’s promises of salvation are proclaimed indiscriminately to all. “Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13
Teacher: Rev. Steve Kline
5. Ecclesiastes (Room 148-Reformation Room)
An ancient near-east, learned professor, with an unusual name, invites us to come and think with him. We would be hard pressed to prove that his questions are not the questions of our lives today. Does it not mean that his answers would be valuable and necessary for us to have? This class intends to study the book of Ecclesiastes and ask the Lordof Wisdom to teach us about life as we find it.
Teacher: Rev. Keith Greer
6. First Years of Marriage (Room 126)
Homebuilders All are welcome to attend.
This class presents practical, biblical wisdom regarding the fundamentals of marriage. We will treat topics from the ways our hearts are exposed in marriage to finances, generosity, roles, hospitality, differences, conflict, leisure, children, and more. This class is particularly relevant to those in the early years of marriage, but more seasoned marriages can benefit as well, as returning to the basics is important for all marriages.
Teachers: Rev. Steve Light, Dr. John Barry, Lenny Marsch, and others
Book: Letters to a Romantic: First Years of Marriage by Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon, available in class for $12.
7. The Life of Jacob (Room 210)
Young Adults All are welcome to attend.
The Old Testament patriarch Jacob is hardly a model disciple. Yet, God uses him for the greater glory of His people. Throughout his life, Jacob figuratively and literally wrestles with God. This class will walk through Jacob’s life and analyze how he reflects who we are as sinner-saints. It will also explore how Jacob’s success and failures point us to Christ in our own messy lives.
Teacher: Mr. Chase Reed