Westminster offers resources for our members to pursue growing their relationship with the Lord. While we believe regular fellowship among believers is vital, personal growth must also be facilitated privately through Bible study and prayer. We hope our library will assist you as you seek to learn, grow, and become more like Christ.
Welcome to the Library
Library will be closed until the move to its new location (first floor) in mid-January.
Our library is a valuable resource available to all Westminster members and regular attenders.
In our collection of approximately 7800 books, CDs and DVDs you will find fiction for all ages, Bible study and reference tools, biographies and categories such as Christian Life, Doctrine and History, Family & Parenting and Missions.
Browse our online catalog in the library or by clicking the link on this page.
The Library will be closed until the move to its new location (first floor) in February.
Featured Books
Becoming Elisabeth Elliot By Ellen Vaughn. Reviewed by Dr. Michael Rogers
When the subject of a well-written biography is one of the 20th Century’s most gifted Christian authors who lived a colorful, courageous life—and her biographer is a skilled author— such a volume will see a warm welcome by women and men alike. This is the first of two promised volumes for which Ellen Vaughn was granted full access by the estate of Elisabeth Elliot to the subject’s unpublished personal journals.
Elisabeth Elliot was first known as the young widow of Jim Elliot, missionary martyred in 1956 with four other Wheaton College men by the Auca (Waodani) tribe in Ecuador. Younger adults today have no memory of the sensational killing of these missionaries which occasioned a cover story for LIFE magazine. The drama attained a stunning new level when Elisabeth obeyed God’s call to live among the Auca several years with her young daughter, to evangelize them and study their language for Bible translation.
Elisabeth told the Auca story in “Through Gates of Splendor” and “The Shadow of the Almighty.” She later wrote many other books as an eloquent Bible teacher on subjects such as divine guidance, suffering, and a woman’s role.
When Westminster Church hosted Elisabeth Elliot, it was the only time we ever had to turn away would-be attendees from a packed sanctuary.
Featured Youth Books
Adventures in Odyssey 3 Book Series by Phil Lollar & Dave Arnold
For ages 7–10 years, Grade 2–5
This Odyssey book series explores the history of the much-loved character John Avery Whittaker. The series introduces newcomers to the larger world of Odyssey. For readers who are already Odyssey-philes, the novels provide the history of the franchise’s most important character.
Whit and his family (father, Harold; stepmother, Fiona; half-sister, Charlie) have just moved to Provenance, NC, in the middle of the Great Depression. Harold will be teaching at nearby Duke University. Not-quite-10-year-old Johnny soon makes a friend in Emmy, who lives across the street and joins him in his adventures. At his new school, he encounters a bully who makes his life miserable, and he makes a new friend in Huck, the custodian. Both of them play key roles in the mysteries and action.
Resumes February 12, 2025
Wednesdays | 5:45-6:15 pm
Room 114
Ages 4–8 years old