Music Ministry

The Music Ministry exists to lead the congregation of Westminster Presbyterian Church in joyful worship through music that glorifies the living God, encourages the body of Christ, and magnifies the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name.

1 Chronicles 16:29a


The Music Ministry plays a vital role in the worship of Westminster Church. Under the leadership of our Director of Music, the Music Ministry nurtures the musical gifts and spiritual lives of all ages in the preparation of music for worship services and special events.  

Our Music Ministry includes numerous choirs, instrumental ensembles, and small groups. There are also recurring opportunities for soloists and accompanists to serve.


As we lead through music, the Music Ministry strives to exercise and develop the God-given musical talents of our congregation, so these gifts can be further used to glorify Him now and throughout eternity.

Praise the LORD! For it is good to sing praises to our God;
for it is pleasant, and a song of praise is fitting.
Psalm 147:1


Sanctuary Choir

SATB singers, Grade 9-Adult; presenting a variety of outstanding choral repertoire covering a wide range of time periods and musical styles. Rehearsals take place on Wednesdays, 7:30-9 PM, in Music Room 203. This choir sings weekly at the 11 AM Sunday service, and at specials services such as: Thanksgiving Eve, 10 PM Christmas Eve, Holy Thursday, and both Easter morning services. The Sanctuary Choir also has an annual Saturday choir retreat in the fall and typically presents two major choral works each year.

matins choir

SATB singers, Grade 9-Adult; requires less time commitment than the Sanctuary Choir. Rehearsals take place on Wednesdays, 6-7 PM, in Music Room 203. The Matins Choir sings every 2-3 weeks at the 8 AM Sunday service, and additionally at the 6 PM Christmas Eve service and
both Easter morning services.


All children in Grades 1-2; introduces the fundamentals of good choral technique to beginning singers. Rehearsals take place on Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 PM, in Room 210, including both singing and fun games to build music reading skills. The Primary Choir sings monthly at the 11 AM Sunday service and at the 6 PM Christmas Eve service.


All singers in Grades 3-6; builds the skills necessary to sing anthems in two and three parts. Rehearsals take place on Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 PM, in Room 212 and challenge students to reach their full potential as young singers. The Junior Choir sings monthly at the 11 AM Sunday service and at the 6 PM Christmas Eve service.

youth CHOIR

All singers in Grades 7-12; sings regularly in Sunday worship services with rehearsals scheduled by the director. Singers will be musically challenged and spiritually nutured. 

Sing to him a new song; play skillfully on the strings, with loud shouts.

handbell Ensembles


2-3 octave bell choir; open to beginning and intermediate ringers of all ages, Grade 4–Adult. Rehearsals take place Tuesdays, 6:15-7:15 PM, in Music Room 203.


3-4 octave bell choir; open to experienced ringers Grade 9-Adult. Rehearsals take place on Tuesdays, 7:15-8:30 PM, in Music Room 203.

Instrumental Ensembles

Instrumental ensembles are open to experienced musicians, Grade 7 – Adult, and rehearse periodically. Music is presented in Sunday morning and evening services. Frequency varies with each ensemble. Contact the Director of Music for more details.

The following INSTRUMENTAL ensembles play periodically throughout the year, with rehearsals scheduled by the

  • Brass Ensemble
  • String Ensemble
  • Flute Choir
  • Clarinet Choir
  • Chamber Orchestra

Additional Opportunities to serve

There are many opportunities for vocal and instrumental soloists to share the gifts God has given them throughout the year in our worship services. Preludes, anthems, offertories, and musical offerings are scheduled quarterly by the Director of Music.

Pianists are specifically needed to play Sunday evening services and to accompany various groups and Sunday School classes.

Other extended musical opportunities:

  • Advent Concerts – presented in the Sunday evening services in December
  • Christmas Eve Preludes – for the 6 PM (20 min) and 10PM (30 min) services
  • Westminster Music Series
  • Lent Wednesday Evening Services

Qualifications for Participation

In addition to a saving knowledge and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord, we desire these fruits in the lives of our active musicians:

  • Faithful attendance at scheduled rehearsals and services
  • A commitment to musical excellence (not perfection)
  • Attitudes of humility and joy that overflow in music making and interactions with fellow musicians

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

Hymn of the Month


National Christian Choir

Saturday, October 5 | 4 PM

Under the direction of Kathy Bowman, the NCC continues their 40th anniversary celebration with a performance of sacred and worship music with pianist, Michael Faircloth.

Reformation Sunday Evensong

Sunday, October 27 | 6 PM

Featuring the Westminster Sanctuary Choir, Brass Quintet, and a performance of The Ancient of Days, a dramatic music narrative of Daniel 7, conducted by composer J.A.C. Redford.

Annual Lessons and Carols Service

Sunday, December 8 | 6 PM

This annual service includes selections from Handel’s MESSIAH presented by the Westminster Sanctuary Choir, chamber orchestra, and soloists Jeffrey & Abigail Martin.

Samuel Metzger Organ Concert

Friday, February 7 | 7 PM

Organist & Director of Music at Covenant PCA in Nashville, Samuel Metzger will perform classical and sacred organ favorites including a newly commissioned piece written in memory of The Covenant School shooting.

Gordon College Choir

Saturday, March 15 | 7 PM

Under the direction of Dr. Minji Kim, this auditioned chamber choir of 30 students will perform a variety of choral masterpieces and sacred anthems as a part of their spring tour.

A Festival of Hymns

Sunday, May 11 | 6 PM

Puritan prayers from The Valley of Vision will be woven together with festive choral anthems and congregational hymns from our Hymn of the Month Vol. 4, all accompanied by full orchestra.

music camp

Music For All Seasons

Thanks For Music Camp 2023 

Many thanks to the 12 high school counselors and 40 adult volunteers who made our 2023 Music Camp possible. Our next biennial Music Camp will be held in June of 2025. In the meantime, we look forward to welcoming our campers back in the fall to participate in our church choirs and instrument ensembles.