2025 MissionS Conference

February 26– March 2, 2025

Keynote Speaker

Chris & Mary Granberry

Chris Granberry is the Founder and Director of Sacred Road Ministries and Assistant Pastor of Hope Fellowship Church, Washington.

The Granberry family moved to the Yakama Indian Reservation in June 2003, with the desire to love and serve our “first neighbors” well—many of whom live in conditions that rival many third world nations. Sacred Road Ministries was incorporated in 2005; since then, the Lord has equipped the ministry to love our “first neighbors” by redeeming broken lives, restoring hope to the oppressed, and rebuilding communities on both the Yakama and Warm Springs reservations.

Chris was ordained by the Pacific Northwest Presbytery in June 2008. With a background in teaching, coaching, and youth ministry, Chris now serves as Team Leader as well as the Assistant Pastor for the Hope Fellowship church plant. Chris’s wife, Mary, is the administrator for summer short-term teams and interns; she also oversees the food and mercy ministries and hospitality.

Conference Offering

The Missions Conference offering is designated for Sacred Road Ministry’s (SRM) ministry needs, including purchase of a van. Transportation is an integral part of the ministry because so few people have reliable transportation available to them. Almost 100% of the children and teenagers that are active in the church rely on SRM’s ability to pick them up and take them home. It will be useful in transporting people (particularly youth) to Sunday worship and discipleship groups, Tuesday night youth group, Wednesday and Thursday afterschool program, and special events.

Small Groups

Missionary guests are available to meet with small groups/home fellowships on Thursday and Friday evening, February 27–28. Request a missionary for your group here.


Conference Schedule

Wednesday, February 26

5:00–6:20 PM

6:20–7:30 PM

6:30–7:30 PM

6:30–7:30 PM

6:30–7:30 PM

Dinner Served

Youth Group with Rev. Chris Granberry (SRM) & Jeb Bland (MNA)

Children’s Clubs with Missionary Guests

Women’s Fellowship with Missionary Guests

Men’s Bible Studies with Missionary Guests

Thursday, February 27


7:00 PM

Home Fellowships with Missionary Guests

The FOLD with Richard Smith (RUF-I)

Friday, February 28

10:30 AM


Brunch & Encouragement Service for Missionaries

Home Fellowships with Missionary Guests

Saturday, March 1

8:00 AM

3:30–7:00 PM

Men & Boys’ Breakfast with Jeb Bland (MNA)

Mission Fare

Ongoing               Mission Displays, Children’s Dig Deeper!, Book Table

4:00–6:30 PM    Dinner Served, as supply lasts

4:00–4:45 PM    Seminar I: Mission Possible (Rev. David*)

6:00–7:00 PM    Children’s Program

                             Youth Dessert Discussion (Rev. Matt Irvine, Serge)

                             Nursery, infant–age 3

6:10–6:55 PM    Seminar 2: New Faces (Matt Dabiero, RUF; John Lee, MTW; Patrick & Heidi Rosendall, Wycliffe Bible Translators; Patrick*)

Sunday, March 2

8:00 AM & 11:00 AM

9:30 AM

12:30 PM

6:00 PM

Worship: Rev. Chris Granberry (Sacred Road Ministries)

Sunday School with Missionary Guests

Lunch & Closing Remarks for Missionaries

Ministry Report: Rev. Imbumi Makuku (Kenya Mercy Ministries)

Worship: Rev. Matt Irvine (Serge)


Mission Fare volunteers are needed on Saturday, March 1, to help with simple food prep, restocking food, room monitoring, and clean-up (kitchen, plus table and chair tear-down—men and teens are especially needed). Many hands make light work! Click below to sign up and see list of needs. Contact Rachel Bleecker with questions.

Missions & Me

The Missions & Me project is here! Books are available today in K–Grade 6 Sunday school classes, Wednesday night clubs, and the Children’s Ministry office. This year’s theme is Pouring Ourselves Out for Our Neighbor. The Missions & Me books and videos provide a fun way for children to learn about missions, connect with our missionaries, and participate in the annual Missions Conference.

Host families are needed during our Missions Conference, February 26–March 2. Most needs are for a 1–3 night stay, but we do have a few missionaries that attend the whole conference. Your hospitality is greatly appreciated! Click below to sign up to host.