
Westminster Church has a heart for missions. Our vision is to foster a congregation that is passionately motivated by God’s heart for the lost. We strive for both our congregation and the missionaries Westminster Church directly supports to spread the Good News of faith in Christ to the local community and to all the nations of the earth.

Local Outreach

In response to the call of Matthew 25:40 – “unto the least of these my brothers,” Westminster is involved in a variety of local outreach ministries. Many of these ministries provide opportunities to serve right here in our church as well as in the Lancaster County community. Volunteer opportunities range from weekly to “serve when you can,” with all skill levels and abilities welcomed. 

Missionary family

Stephen & Susan Beck
Worldwide, Greater Europe Mission

Jeb & Gail Bland
USA/First Nations, Mission to North America

Josh & Katie Charette
USA/First Nations, Mission to North America

Molly De Bruin
Ethiopia, Mission to the World

Cheryl Erb
USA/Engaging Disability, Mission to North America

Sam & Elizabeth Goodwin
USA, Mission to the World

Keith & Bonnie Greer
Worldwide, Barnabas International

Dave and Lisa Henry

Steph Hubach
USA, Covenant Theological Seminary

John Hunt 
USA (retired), Mission to The World

Matt & Jenn Irvine 
United Kingdom, SERGE

Serena Jones
USA, Reformed University Fellowship, Boston Univ.

Jason & Ai Kueh 
Japan, SERGE

Tom & Betsy Luttmann
Worldwide, Bible Visuals International

Dan & Janet McBride
Africa, Mission to the World

Bruce & Anne McDowell
Dominican Republic, Santiago Theological Seminary

Linda McInturff
USA (retired), Bible Visuals International

Walt & Lisa Mueller
USA, Center for Parent/Youth Understanding

Victor & Nosizo Nakah
Africa, Mission to the World

Shibu & Mary Oommen
USA, Evangelism Explosion/REF

Chris & Kelsey Peter
USA, Reformed University Fellowship, Millersville University

Stephen Rarig
Australia, Mission to The World

Cam & Kaela Smith
USA, Reformed University Fellowship, Penn State

Richard & Lynne Smith
USA, Reformed University Fellowship International, Penn State

Ursula & Stan Spooner/Opie
Austria, World In Need

SI & Michelle Suh
USA, MNA Chaplain Ministry

Ben & Lydia Swarr
USA, Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Kristy Thomas
Good News Jail & Prison Ministry, York County Prison

Gary & Lois Watanabe 
Japan, Mission to The World

Hugh & Martine Wessel
France, Mission to The World

Tim & Barbara Yates 
Taiwan, Friends of CRTS

J.G. & Daryl Zoellner 
Canada, Mission to North America

In Sensitive Areas
Some of Westminster’s missionaries serve in fields where great sensitivity is required. We are unable to publish information about their work since this could be detrimental to their ministry.

Supported Organizations

Missionary Prayer Requests

For a complete list of prayer requests, including those for sensitive areas, please pick up the printed missionary prayer sheet at the church