Service Opportunities

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.

1 Peter 4:10

Urgent Needs

Usher teams

Usher teams need additional help. If you would be willing to help usher, please click on the button below.

Refugee ministry

Westminster’s Refugee Ministry provides after school tutoring during the school year for at-risk Congolese elementary & middle school students of WPC. Volunteers are needed to tutor children at the church on Wednesdays, 4:00–5:30 pm, as well as to provide transportation for children to/from church. 


The Nursery  is in need of help during the 8 am, Sunday School and 11 am worship hours.

Safety Team

Safety Team is looking for men and women aged 18 and older to join as volunteers. Service involves monitoring during the 8 am and 11 am services.

ESL Childcare

The ESL Ministry is looking for childcare volunteers on Tuesday nights, 6:50–8:45 PM, beginning September 12. All childcare helpers must be Westminster members. Teens are welcome to volunteer as well.  Contact Rachel Bleecker ([email protected]) to volunteer or for more information.

Tech Team

The tech team needs volunteers to continue making our worship services and Sunday school classes available to the congregation. We will train people with little or no experience; video operators must have some computer experience. 

  • Sound operators at all worship services (8 am, 11 am, and 6 pm). 
  • Video operators for 11 am.

ongoing needs

Explorers Ministry

Explorers ministry, which provides care for children with disabilities, is in need of more volunteers during Explorers Class at 11:00 am. This is just a once-a-month commitment! You will be trained to serve with the children.

Moving Team

Moving Team – We often have needs that arise in our congregation to help someone move. Whether you have a truck, can help provide a meal for moving day, pack some boxes or can move furniture, your help is needed!

Caring Cooks

Caring Cooks provide meals to church family members in need. Volunteer to be added to the Caring Cooks email distribution list and to receive emails with meal train links as needs in our church family arise.

Cemetery Committee Volunteers

Cemetery Committee Volunteers – Help is needed to maintain attractive flowerbeds in the church cemetery. Each volunteer is designated a flowerbed to maintain over the summer months, This will require no more than an hour per week.

Coffee and Juice Set-up

Coffee and Juice Set-up – Help is needed to set up coffee and juice for the Sunday morning beverage fellowship time between Sunday school and the 11 am worship service. 

widowers ministry

The Widowers’ Ministry – Male or husband and wife volunteers to maintain contact with WPC widowers who desire contact with their church family. Contacts can be via visitation, emails, telephone calls etc. demonstrating that their church cares for them. 

Military Service Personnel Ministry

Remember Those in Military Service Military Service Personnel (MSP) ministry volunteers maintain regular contact with a WPC member or a member’s child serving in the Military. In most cases, contacts can be made via emails, or regular mail. Through regular contacts with MSP, we demonstrate support by our church family.  Moreover, it assures MSP of our prayers.

Kitchen Volunteers

The Kitchen is in need of volunteers as we prepare to serve Wednesday evening meals again. We are looking for volunteers for setup, food preparation, serving, dishwashing, and cleanup. If you are interested in helping with any of these tasks, contact Jodi Heisey ([email protected]).

Downloadable Application & Forms

If you are volunteering for Nursery, Explorers Ministry, Children Ministry, Youth Ministry, Refugee Ministry (including transporting refugees) or ESL, you will need to print and fill out these three forms. Requirement for serving includes attendance at Westminster Church for one year, approval by Session, and background check clearances.