Short-term Missions

We believe sending God’s people on short-term trips is vital for Kingdom impact, missionary support, and the believer’s discipleship. People from all walks of life can serve. Please pray about how God can use you, your skills, and passions on a short-term mission trip.

2025 Short-Term Mission Trips

New Application Process for Senior High/Adult Trips

  • Non-refundable deposit submitted with the application or paid online by the time application is submitted: $50 by the early bird deadline; $75 by the final deadline. Both a complete application and deposit must be received to be considered for a trip.
  • Applicants are reviewed, interviewed, and approved by the Great Commission Committee and Session. Applicants will be approved based on trip needs/skills, applicant’s prior missions experience and demonstration of Christian maturity and responsibility, and the order in which applications are received. Teams may reach capacity prior to deadlines.
  • The application period begins Sunday, November 3. Early bird and final deadlines vary by trip.
  • Complete an application—allow one hour to gather information and fully answer questions. Be sure to include all required information, ID, initials, signatures, and deposit.
  • Colombia, LEAP, Easton, & Yakama/Lapwai Trips: Submit hard copy application and ID in person* at the church office during one of the listed times. Please allow a few minutes for your application to be reviewed for completeness; it will be returned back to you if information, ID, initials, signatures, or deposit are missing. (*Emailed/Mailed applications will be accepted for out-of-town applicants only.)

Submit applications to the church office in person.

SUNDAYS: 9:15‒10:45 AM | Dec. 15, 22, 29

WEEKDAYS:  8 AM‒4:00 PM |Monday-Friday (Note limited holiday hours Christmas week.)

  • Non-refundable deposit submitted with the application or paid online by the time application is submitted: $50 by the early bird deadline; $75 by the final deadline. Both a complete application and deposit must be received to be considered for a trip.
  • Applicants are reviewed, interviewed, and approved by the Great Commission Committee and Session. Applicants will be approved based on trip needs/skills, applicant’s prior missions experience and demonstration of Christian maturity and responsibility, and the order in which applications are received. Teams may reach capacity prior to deadlines.

Senior High/Adult Trips are closed.

Deadline for Kingdom Builders: April 27 (Early Bird) | May 25

Non-refundable $75 deposit unless trips are canceled:

Deadline for Colombia, London (LEAP), and Easton trips has been extended until December 29.

Senior High/Adult Trips are closed.

Deadline for Kingdom Builders: April 27 (Early Bird) | May 25

Senior High/Adult Trips

Application Period Has Closed

Cali, Colombia

June 21–28

We return to Cali, Colombia, with e3 Partners (Equip, Evangelize, Establish), a worldwide church planting ministry. Our team will join other U.S. churches to minister alongside Cali churches in reaching their communities with the gospel message through street evangelism, outreach, and discipleship ministries. Learn more HERE.

We return to Cali, Colombia, with e3 Partners (Equip, Evangelize, Establish), a worldwide church planting ministry. Our team will join other U.S. churches to minister alongside Cali churches in reaching their communities with the gospel message through street evangelism, outreach, and discipleship ministries. Learn more HERE.

  • Approx. Cost: $3100
  • Team Size Limit: 12
  • Who Can Apply: Grade 11 & older (Youth should preferably have prior short-term missions experience, not counting KB)
  • Leader: Emmanuel Williams

London, England

June 29–July 7

London Evangelism And Prayer (LEAP) week is a chance to leap out of your comfort zone and into a different world! With Serge missionaries, including Matt and Jenn Irvine, we will explore what God is doing among London’s South Asian communities. We will visit temples and mosques, engage in prayer and structured training, and witness through street and door-to-door evangelism. Learn more HERE.

London Evangelism And Prayer (LEAP) week is a chance to leap out of your comfort zone and into a different world! With Serge missionaries, including Matt and Jenn Irvine, we will explore what God is doing among London’s South Asian communities. We will visit temples and mosques, engage in prayer and structured training, and witness through street and door-to-door evangelism. Learn more HERE.

  • Approx. Cost: $3100
  • Team Size Limit: 8
  • Who Can Apply: Grade 11 & older (Youth should preferably have prior short-term missions experience, not counting KB)
  • Leader: Michael Mante


July 20–26

Kids in Motion sports and arts camp is an urban outreach ministry of Bridge Community Church in Easton, PA. WPC youth, along with youth from area churches, will serve as counselors to elementary-age children as they seek to build relationships and assist them in arts, crafts, and various sports. This is an overnight trip; accommodations are at a local church.

Kids in Motion sports and arts camp is an urban outreach ministry of Bridge Community Church in Easton, PA. WPC youth, along with youth from area churches, will serve as counselors to elementary-age children as they seek to build relationships and assist them in arts, crafts, and various sports. This is an overnight trip; accommodations are at a local church.

  • Approx. Cost: $375
  • Team Size Limit: 12
  • Who Can Apply: Age 14 & Older
  • Leader: Matt Allgyer

White Swan, WA

July 26–August 2

Sacred Road Ministries (PCA) in WA has slowly built trust with the Yakama Nation, and its church plant, Hope Fellowship, now has over 400 in weekly attendance. WPC has been blessed for many years through partnership with Sacred Road in serving this “first neighbors” community through Bible clubs and home repairs. We are honored to have been asked to send a second team to a new site in Lapwai, Idaho, for the purpose of expanding SRM’s ministry to a new reservation. Because of the sensitivity of this trip, the team is comprised of pre-determined Yakama veterans that will train and travel with the Yakama team. Learn more HERE.

Sacred Road Ministries (PCA) in WA has slowly built trust with the Yakama Nation, and its church plant, Hope Fellowship, now has over 400 in weekly attendance. WPC has been blessed for many years through partnership with Sacred Road in serving this “first neighbors” community through Bible clubs and home repairs. We are honored to have been asked to send a second team to a new site in Lapwai, Idaho, for the purpose of expanding SRM’s ministry to a new reservation. Because of the sensitivity of this trip, the team is comprised of pre-determined Yakama veterans that will train and travel with the Yakama team. Learn more HERE.

Junior High Trip

Kingdom Builders
Lancaster, PA

July 9–12

Kingdom Builders is designed to introduce junior high youth to short-term missions at the local level. Participants are given opportunities to put their faith into action by engaging in service projects throughout Lancaster and Westminster Church while receiving ministry training and hearing missions trip testimonies from older youth and adults.

  • Cost: $100. WPC Members Pay Deposit Only (Great Commission covers remaining amount)
  • Team Size Limit: 30
  • Who Can Apply: Grades 6–8
  • Leaders: Matt Collins & Jillian Rogers

Eligibility & Requirements

  • Be a Christian with a desire to grow and share your faith with others, having a servant’s heart and flexible spirit.
  • Trips are open to Westminster members. Regular attenders of Westminster and members of other PCA churches may apply. Priority is given to WPC members.
  • Each applicant should consider his/her physical ability for the nature of the trip and review international health and travel information prior to applying. (traveler’s health) (passports, international travel information/advisories)
  • Grades indicated refer to the grade that a student will complete in the 2024–2025 school year. Age refers to the participant’s age on the first day of the trip.
  • Be up to date on required immunizations (including DTaP/Tdap, MMR, IPV) for all trips within 30 days of the start of the trip; additional immunizations or anti-malaria medication may be recommended or required.
  • Have personal health insurance coverage during the dates of the trip, including coverage for emergencies outside the U.S. if participating in an international trip.
  • Attend at least 75% of team meetings and events. On average, teams meet 4–6 times.
  • Submit to the team leadership.
  • Enlist a minimum of ten prayer partners.
  • Colombia, LEAP, Easton, & Yakama/Lapwai Trips: Participate in raising financial support with the team. Some financial assistance may be provided by WPC to its members, but team members are ultimately responsible for raising the full amount needed. All Trips: Non-members must raise the entire trip cost. Trip costs are estimates and may change.
  • Complete a background check, as required by Pennsylvania State law, and a WPC volunteer application.


Questions? Contact Jen Barrall with any questions.