VBS 2024 Recap

On Monday, July 22 more than 420 “athletes” gathered in our sanctuary to kick off Olympion, this year’s Vacation Bible School (VBS). Preparations for the four-day event began last August and intensified in May. VBS Coordinator Alyssa Davies, Intern Nadia Walter, Events Coordinator Tia Spykstra, and Acting Children’s Ministry Director Sue Moses teamed up to ensure the more than 200 volunteers were well equipped to lead the children, ages 4 through completed 6th grade, on the Race of Life.

Mr. and Ms. VBS kicked off each morning reporting on the day’s events at Olympion as a chosen athlete would light the torch. The athletes cheered on Rhonda Roadrunner who lugged an unusually heavy backpack slowly toward the finish line of her race. Exhausted, Rhonda fainted and was close to death until Christiana Jogger offered her the bread of life and living water. It was then that Rhonda realized she could let go of her heavy burden. Unexpectedly, Dirty Dave tripped Rhonda near the end of the race! Thankfully, Judge Chris Walker disqualified Dirty Dave and gave the win to Rhonda Roadrunner. More importantly, the observant athletes learned the need to confess their sin and rely on the Lord’s strength to complete the Race of Life.

Jam-packed days at VBS included a daily explanation of the Race of Life (Gospel) by Coach Matt Collins, the Maranatha Marathon, awarding of the Gold Ribbon Award for best behavior, announcing of funds raised to purchase soccer balls for children in war-torn countries (nearly $6,000 was raised!), loads of spirited singing, and various costumed story tellers presenting the lessons of Joshua including Joshua himself! It was delightful to see children with their arms around each other swaying and singing to the glory of the Lord in the sanctuary.

In the classroom, teachers and helpers discussed the day’s Bible lesson, taught memory verses, prayed and completed a fun, activity-filled logbook.  The craft team brought exciting projects to the classroom, the Recreation Team got the kids outside for riveting games and snacks were enjoyed by all. Observing the teen helpers, an adult volunteer commented, “I must say, this church has an amazing group of really friendly teenagers!”

An eight-year-old child was overheard asking a VBS volunteer, “Why isn’t VBS five days?” Considering 18 children that we know of chose to believe in or reaffirm their commitment to Jesus, maybe it should be! Exhaling after a week of Olympion, we are praising God for a safe, fun and exciting week of growing closer to Him, our God who is far superior to a gold medal. Don’t miss the excitement next year, July 21-24, as we are Upward Bound!



Samaritan’s Purse

Soccer Balls & Playgrounds

Many families around the world have had to leave war-torn homelands to find safety, and now they live in camps, haunted by memories of terror. For these boys and girls, therapeutic play can help them begin to smile again. Samaritan’s Purse is creating playgrounds and child-friendly spaces where these children can learn, grow, and enjoy fun with friends. 

Just $8 can provide a soccer ball or other equipment that will bring joy to a child and help us tell them about the Lord.

Help us reach our GOOOAAALLL!!!!
We aim to raise $4,000. That’s 500 soccer balls!