Church Fellowship Nights

Begins September 11, 2024
Ends May 7, 2025

Wednesday Meals

What better way to spend time together as a church family, fellowshipping with Westminster friends!

DINNER: 5:00–6:20 PM

$5/person, aged 6 and older; $15 maximum/household

RSVP is needed each week to attend. The meal RSVP deadline each week is Monday by 12pm. Space is limited.

*Please be aware that around 5:15 pm, children in choirs will need to jump to the front of the dinner line in order to make it to choir on time.

Menu Schedule (Subject to change):


11 – Chicken Curry

18 – Lasagna

25 – Chicken Tenders


2 – Beef and Broccoli

9 – PIzza

16 – Fiesta Chicken

23 – Meatball Subs

30 – Chicken Cordon Bleu


6 – Beef and Bean Burritos

13 – Chicken Pot Pie

20 – Chicken Patties


4 – Soup: Chicken Noodle and Tomato Basil


8 – 

15 – 

22 – 

29 – 


5 – 

12 – 

19 – 

26 – 


5 – 

12 – 

19 – 

26 –


2 – 

9 – 

16 – 

30 –  


7 – 

Story Time

5:45–6:15 pm for ages 4–8

Mrs. Rogers hosts a story time in Room 114 as an additional option for children. No registration is necessary. Just come and enjoy the story each week!

Children’s Clubs

6:30-7:30 PM

Children’s clubs at Westminster church are intended to help boys and girls aged 4 through grade 6 develop Christian character and build relationships with God, peers, family, and caring adults. Parents, along with Christian men and women of Westminster Church, provide positive role models and promote spiritual growth as they integrate biblical principals into learning activities, service projects, fun, and games. Clubs meet weekly September-May, 6:30 – 7:30 pm.

Club Schedule

KIDS’ QUEST CATECHISM CLUB: Children ages 4 & 5

SCOOTERS CLUB: Kingergarten Boys & Girls


GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior):

GEMS 1: Girls grades 1-2

GEMS 2: Girls grades 3-4

GEMS 3: Girls grades 5-6


Voyagers: Boys grades 1-2

Pathfinders: Boys grades 3-4

Trailblazers: Boys grades 5-6

Adult & youth programs

6:15-7:45 PM

Westminster’s youth ministry seeks to glorify God by nurturing disciples who are walking with Jesus Christ in the context of the covenant community. The youth ministry seeks to provide fellowship, small-group Bible studies, fall and winter retreats, service activities, and summer short-term mission trips. Youth Group meets September-May. Contact the youth pastor for details.


6:30-7:30 PM

Nursery for infants and toddlers are provided for parents attending adult programs.


6:30-7:30 PM

Women’s Bible Study: Women will study Acts.


6:30-7:30 PM

Wednesday night Men’s Fellowship: Come and build Christ centered relationships through discussion, encouragement and accountability- All men are welcome. 

Adult & Children’s Choirs

The following choirs rehearse and sing September through June.

PRIMARY CHOIR (grades 1–2): 5:30-6:30 pm

JUNIOR CHOIR (grades 3–6): 5:30-6:30 pm

MATINS CHOIR (grade 9–Adult): 6-7 pm

SANCTUARY CHOIR (grade 9–Adult): 7:30-9 pm

Registration is necessary to participate.


Contact Frank Dodd for details about any of our music opportunities.