Women's Ministry

Encouraging and equipping women to think Biblically and live covenantally as they help to cultivate a life-giving culture in the church and local community.

To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Ephesians 4:12–13

mentor program

Mentors are women mature in their faith with a desire to come alongside a younger woman for the purpose of discipleship and friendship.

Mentoring Resources

Growing Together: Taking Mentoring Beyond Small Talk and Prayer Requests

by Melissa Kruger

Bible Studies



Because the pursuit and application of Scripture is the crux of our Women’s Ministry, we offer a strong Bible study program, with groups meeting during the school year on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings. We are also excited to offer a study for women who do not speak English as their first language on Tuesday mornings. Women of all ages are welcome and may join a study group at anytime during the study season starting September 10, 2024, and ending May 7, 2025.

Tuesday Bible
Study Group

9:15-11 AM

September – May

Nursery care and Bible activities are available for children up to age 5.

Indicate your childcare needs when you register.

Tuesday ESL
Bible Study Group

9:15-11 AM

September – May

Tuesday mornings we welcome women who do not speak English as their first language. On the registration form, you will be prompted to select Meeting Day/Time.

Wednesday Bible
Study Group

6:30–7:30 pM

September – May

Clubs and programs are available for children/youth of all ages. 

Relationship Growth

Life Response​

Service (group & individual)

Serving within the contexts of family and the Body of Christ is a natural ramification of spiritual growth. Westminster offers many avenues of volunteer involvement within its educational, music, missions, member care, home fellowship, and special-event activities, whether on adult, youth, or children’s levels. Specific women’s ministry opportunities include Women’s Bible Study (study group facilitators, support committees) women’s summer activities, and women’s Sunday School classes.


Many of Westminster’s women are involved in formal para-church work such as Child Evangelism, Bible2School, and crisis pregnancy ministries. Equally important is their daily outreach “over the back fence” as women translate into real life the Gospel and biblical training they find at Westminster. Westminster’s women’s ministry has both these types of outreach in view as it designs and offers consistent biblical training, undergirding prayer, and encouragement.


Women’s ministry regularly plans specific events, offered to women or to the church as a whole, that address and train believers to understand and respond biblically to cultural issues and needs. Recent topics have included current sexual issues and domestic abuse. Plans for the near future include establishing or expanding focus groups and ministry related to these needs.
