Creating a community for young professionals to do life alongside one another, sharing in joys, trials, and a lot of fun.
Community Matters
Why should I get involved?
Young adults face many challenges. Changes in jobs, education, and relationships can make it difficult to connect. Whether you’re here for a week or for a few years, we’re glad to have you. God always wants us to be connected to other believers and to love those he has put in our path, no matter the season of life. We would love to get to know you! We seek to create a community for young professionals to do life alongside one another, sharing in joys, trials, and a lot of fun.
What we study
In an era that claims that the Bible can say what you want it to say, it is important to re-establish the truth that you just can’t – if you explain the Scripture with honesty, fairness and in context.
Each study establishes:
Room 210
Room 210
Meets every other Monday, starting October 21, 2024
Room LL11–13
Fellowship with other young women as we dive deep into the gospel and our relationship with Christ while reading through Dane Ortlund’s book, “Deeper”.
What is the fold?
The purpose of The Fold is to help young single and married adults ages 18-29 in the Lancaster area grow in their faith in Jesus Christ by encouraging a thriving community of believers focused on practical Christian living and discipleship.
Refresh Summer schedule
Men’s Bible Study – Mondays at 8:30PM at the Kieffer’s home (if interested contact [email protected] for more information)
Women’s Bible Study – Thursdays at 7:30PM at Lauren Bredin’s home (if interested contact [email protected] for more information)
June 25th – 7-9PM – Dessert and Fellowship at the Kieffer’s home (contact [email protected])
July 7th – 7-9PM – Eden Nights (A night of acoustic worship, fellowship, and prayer) at the Barry’s home (contact [email protected])
July 16th – Sunday brunch after the late service at the Kieffer’s home (contact [email protected])
July 28th – 7-9PM – Eden Nights (A night of acoustic worship, fellowship, and prayer) at the Barry’s home (contact [email protected])
August 6th – Refresh picnic after the late service at the Kieffer’s home (contact [email protected])
August 18th – 7-9PM – Eden Nights (A night of acoustic worship, fellowship, and prayer) at the Barry’s home (contact [email protected])
YOUNG Adult intern
Chase Reed
Chase was born and raised in York County, PA and started regularly attending Westminster Presbyterian Church in the Fall of 2022. He graduated from Lancaster Bible College this month with a dual-degree in Pastoral Ministry and Biblical Studies and is currently enrolled in LBC’s Capital Seminary & Graduate School in pursuit of his Master’s of Divinity. In his free time he enjoys running, finding new music to listen to, reading a good book, or exploring new places in PA with his friends. He is looking forward to working with the young adults and is very grateful to have been given this opportunity to come alongside them. His goal is to help stir their affections for the Lord and counsel them in becoming godly leaders in both their family contexts and local church contexts.
Email: [email protected]
Kelly Robinson
Kelly is the daughter of Dan and June Robinson and grew up attending Westminster. She graduated from Bethany Global University this past spring with a degree in Intercultural Ministry Studies and Bible & Theology. As part of her education there, she lived overseas for a year gaining experience on the mission field, first in Ghana and then in Bulgaria. A few of her passions include hiking, pottery, and reading. She hopes to return to the mission field for long-term work in the future, but right now she is excited for this opportunity to pour into Westminster’s Young Adult community.
Email: [email protected]