Community Outreach
Reaching out to those around us
The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into his harvest field.
Reaching out to those around us
The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into his harvest field.
Free English classes for adults are taught Tuesday nights, September 5–May 21, 7:00–8:45 pm, at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2151 Oregon Pike. Classes do not meet June through August or on holiday weeks. Contact Rachel Bleecker for more information at [email protected].
Mission/Vision Statement
English for the World Ministry exists to glorify God by offering to the nations represented in Lancaster County free classes for learning English as a Second Language and opening a door for them to hear the good news of Jesus Christ from the Westminster PCA community.
We welcome any Westminster volunteers interested in teaching, assisting classes, interviewing new students, greeting people at the door, organizing snacks for break time, and not least, volunteers committed to praying for this ministry.
This elective provides non-denominational FREE Bible classes to students in 2nd, 3rd, & 4th grade. Classes begin the end of September and run through the end of April. Children will be led by a trained volunteer team in lively worship, hear Bible stories, break into small groups to discuss how they can apply the Bible lesson in their lives, and pray together.
This growing ministry to public school 2nd, 3rd, & 4th graders needs additional teachers and small group leaders able to serve weekly on Thursday afternoons this fall beginning September 21. This is a great way to introduce children to Jesus and God’s Word!
Bucher Elementary School: Located at Grace Evangelical Congregational Church, Contact Gwen Marinaro
Nitrauer Elementary School: Located at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Contact Heidi Weidler
Scheaffer Elementary School: Located at Harvest Bible Church, Contact Debbie Inskeep
Neff Elementary School: Located at Calvary Church, Contact Meredith Steidler
Reidenbaugh Elementary Schools: Located at Faith United Methodist, Contact Meredith Steidler
Young Life is a public high school outreach that works closely with our pastor of discipleship and outreach. We go to kids, build relationships, and introduce them to Jesus.
Young Life is currently working with kids in these High Schools:
Email Erin Parrish at [email protected].
Good News Club at Nitrauer
A free after-school club for elementary-aged children.
Clubs meet after school in the fall and spring
Good News Club is a once-a-week, exciting, fun-filled, 90-minute club.
It includes…
Dynamic Bible Lessons
Creative Learning Activities
Inspiring Life-Stories
Meaningful Songs
Life-Changing Scripture
Games, Snacks
Earned Prizes
Support Groups
Men helping one another overcome sexual addiction & related challenges by God’s grace through weekly confidential support.
Contact: Barry Cureton
No groups are being held at this time.
GriefShare is a faith-based program led by caring lay-people who understand what grief can be because they have lived it. GriefShare provides a safe place where participants can, without forgetting their loved one, learn how to live and grow beyond loss. Each session includes a video featuring top experts on grief recovery subjects, followed by an opportunity to discuss personal experiences in a small group setting.
Contact: [email protected]
Surrendering the Secret is an 8-week Bible study in a safe, private environment for women who have gone through the trauma of abortion.
Contact: [email protected].
Healing from divorce is not easy. Most people who’ve experienced it say it was the most painful and stressful experience of their lives. They find themselves confused, feeling isolated, and having lots of questions about issues they’ve never encountered before. At DivorceCare groups, people in separation and divorce find tools, teaching and support to help them deal with their pain and give them hope for the future. This 13-week Christ-centered program includes video, group discussion and personal Bible study.
Contact: Dave Kieffer